
Take the Water Challenge to look and feel great

Take the Water Challenge to look and feel great

Staying hydrated should be one of the easiest health needs to be met. Sadly in our community it is one of the most neglected areas of our health, affecting all of our bodily functions.   The first and last question we ask when someone comes  with a complaint whether it is a headachesor aching bone we […]

Sue’s Top 10 Favourite Ways to Eat Ferments

Sue’s Top 10 Favourite Ways to Eat Ferments

Here are Sue’s top 10 ways to make ferments more interesting. 01 Add kraut to avocado with fresh herbs and sea salt to make a probiotic dip. 02 Drizzle Kraut juice over your fish instead of lemon. 03 Drizzle your kraut juice over your poached eggs. 04 Make a salsa cut kraut finely and add […]